Our Solutions

Saving Your Favorite Pivot Irrigation Machine Stops

April 28, 2023
pivot irrigation machine irrigating a field

Over half of our users take advantage of the Stop-in-Slot (SIS) feature in AgSense® and 365 apps. SIS settings allow irrigation managers and farmers to specify the exact angle where their center pivot irrigation machines stop. Many farmers have more than one favorite resting location for their pivots — some want to make sure they can more easily get equipment on and off the fields. For others, there are certain places they avoid stopping due to the terrain.

  • 59% of our users’ pivots used more than 1 SIS angle during the 2022 season.
  • SIS is the 4th most executed command in the AgSense app.

We talked with many growers over the last year about how they currently keep track of their favorite pivot irrigation stops. Some just memorized them, others kept track in a notebook, and a few used AgSense digital notes or took a look at their command history.

For growers with multiple angles to remember, memorizing or writing the angles down isn’t efficient or sustainable. We wanted to provide a better way.

Save up to 5 pivot irrigation stops

Starting today, growers using the AgSense mobile and web apps can save up to five unique SIS angles.

We’ll be adding this feature to 365 soon!

Have questions about saving your favorite Stop-in-Slot irrigation machine angles? Contact your dealer or our support team.

Want to try using AgSense to monitor and control your pivot, pumps & other devices? Learn more and talk to an expert.