Helping farmers do more with less

Agriculture technology for managing and optimizing irrigation and crop health — to conserve resources & improve yields.
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Get more insight into your crop’s health

Thousands of leaf-level images are captured day and night — every time the pivot moves — to detect weeds, pests, diseases, and more so you can treat any problems before they affect your bottom line.

Together, Valley & Prospera provide the best field & water management solutions in agriculture

We work with Valley® & AgSense® dealers to provide the best solutions for growers: the most durable hardware from Valley, proven telemetry and automation from AgSense, and advanced field and crop health monitoring from Prospera.

Improve crop health & increase yield

By 2050, the population will climb to 9.8 billion people. You need to improve crop health & yields to solve humanity’s most fundamental challenge of feeding the world (while ensuring a good harvest so you can feed your family).
Weekly reports let you see trends so you can conduct the most effective treatments efficiently — saving thousands in inputs and labor costs.
Save on labor & inputs
Farming costs are skyrocketing. Prospera harnesses machine learning and AI to enable you to find irrigation and crop health problems faster and easier — reducing labor costs and targeting treatments when and where they’re needed.
Become a Partner
Valmont has been establishing relationships with utilities, financiers, engineering firms and EPCs around the globe for decades. We have a track record as an industry leader in power transmission and distribution towers, substations and components. With generation capabilities, we now supply complete grid hardening solutions for major utilities across North America. Big or small, when you partner with Valmont Solar our engineering know-how, manufacturing experience and logistical expertise result in a highly sustainable experience.
Learn More About Our Partnerships