Our Solutions

Getting Your Farm Devices Ready for a Successful Season

February 10, 2023
Getting a Valley Aqua Trac farm device ready for the season in a pivot irrigated field

We’re getting closer and closer to the end of winter and the beginning of a new growing season. You can feel the anticipation of finally getting ready for the season. Get a head start by ensuring that your AgSense® & Valley® farm device batteries are in good working order and, if you’re based in the US, your modems are upgraded to 4G.

Check your farm device batteries

Most farm devices are powered by lithium batteries, including AgSense and Valley telemetry devices. Most lithium batteries last about 2-3 years, depending on the number of times they are charged. 

This season, all Prospera customers with Valley and AgSense devices that use batteries will receive a free battery report for their farm. Make sure to update your email address in your account (in either Wagnet.net or Valley365.com) to receive this valuable report that will provide a battery health summary for each device. 

What do I do if I have a “bad battery”?

Contact your dealer to see if you need a new battery. Your dealer will know if your battery is under warranty or could use a new retrofit device called a Battery Assist Cable. They’ll review your options with you so your devices are ready to go once the season starts.

Be the first to know if there’s a potential battery issue

Did you know you can set up battery alerts for your farm devices, so you know immediately if you have a bad battery? It’s true! Here’s how:

  • Sign in to your account >
  • On the top navigation bar, click Alerts.
  • Fill in your Alert Profile, indicating how you’d like to receive alert messages.
  • Check the alerts on the relevant devices. (Bad Battery)
  • Click Save Settings at the bottom of the page to confirm.

Watch a quick video on how to set up battery alerts

Check your farm device modems

AgSense and Valley devices, such as CropLink® and Field Commanders, rely on the same networks as your cell phone to communicate. 

In 2022, all major carriers in the US ended 3G service, including Verizon and AT&T. Since 3G service is no longer available in the US, that means any farm device with a 3G modem can no longer communicate and won’t work this season. All devices with a 3G modem need to be upgraded to a 4G/LTE modem if you plan to use them this year. (Note: Major carriers in Canada still provide 3G service but have plans to discontinue it by 2025.) 

If you’re a Prospera customer with Valley or AgSense telemetry devices, here’s how to review which of your devices have 3G modems:

  • Sign in to your account >
  • Click View Units, then select Detail View from the drop-down menu.
  • Under the Manage Units section of the page, you’ll see a list of your devices and their modem type.
  • Note any serial numbers associated with 3G units and share the list with your dealer to discuss your upgrade options.

Watch a quick video on how to find your 3G units

What do I do if I have a 3G modem in my farm device?

Your dealer can easily upgrade most modems without replacing the entire unit. They can also review all your options for each device. In most cases, it’s as easy as a modem swap that shouldn’t take more than a few minutes. 

So now you have a good start preparing your farm devices for a successful season. Most importantly, you can rest easy knowing that you’ll have fewer issues to deal with that may affect your ability to monitor and control your operation once it gets busier.

By taking some time now to do a little device check-up, you’ll thank yourself later in the season when things are running smoothly. And if you find any problems while everything is still nice and quiet, it will likely be easier to get help from your dealer before things get hectic.

Have questions about your AgSense or Valley devices? Contact support.

Learn more and talk to an expert about monitoring and controlling your farm devices.